Microsoft Office Access Architecture

Shopping Sale 20:01
Microsoft Office Access Architecture Microsoft Office Access can be used as a standalone system on a single PC or as a multiuser system on...Read More
Microsoft Office Access Architecture Microsoft Office Access Architecture Reviewed by Shopping Sale on 20:01 Rating: 5

Objects Microsoft Office Access 2003

Shopping Sale 19:53
Objects Microsoft Office Access 2003 Objects The user interacts with Microsoft Office Access and develops a database application using a ...Read More
Objects Microsoft Office Access 2003 Objects Microsoft Office Access 2003 Reviewed by Shopping Sale on 19:53 Rating: 5

Microsoft Office Access 2003

Shopping Sale 19:52
Microsoft Office Access 2003 Microsoft Office Access is the mostly widely used relational DBMS for the Microsoft Windows environment. It i...Read More
Microsoft Office Access 2003 Microsoft Office Access 2003 Reviewed by Shopping Sale on 19:52 Rating: 5
Changing the Content of Tables Using Action Queries Changing the Content of Tables Using Action Queries Reviewed by Shopping Sale on 10:04 Rating: 5

Using Advanced Queries

Shopping Sale 09:16
Microsoft Office Access provides a range of advanced queries. In this section, we describe some of the most useful examples of those querie...Read More
Using Advanced Queries Using Advanced Queries Reviewed by Shopping Sale on 09:16 Rating: 5

Calculating Totals

Shopping Sale 08:12
Calculating Totals It is often useful to ask questions about groups of data such as: n What is the total number of properties for rent in ...Read More
Calculating Totals Calculating Totals Reviewed by Shopping Sale on 08:12 Rating: 5

Creating Multi-Table Queries

Shopping Sale 08:06
Creating Multi-Table Queries In a database that is correctly normalized, related data may be stored in several tables. It is therefore ess...Read More
Creating Multi-Table Queries Creating Multi-Table Queries Reviewed by Shopping Sale on 08:06 Rating: 5

Specifying Criteria

Shopping Sale 09:35
Specifying Criteria Criteria are restrictions we place on a query to identify the specific fields or records we want to work with. For exa...Read More
Specifying Criteria Specifying Criteria Reviewed by Shopping Sale on 09:35 Rating: 5

Building Select Queries Using QBE

Shopping Sale 09:22
Building Select Queries Using QBE A select query is the most common type of query. It retrieves data from one or more tables and displays ...Read More
Building Select Queries Using QBE Building Select Queries Using QBE Reviewed by Shopping Sale on 09:22 Rating: 5
Introduction to Microsoft Office Access Queries Introduction to Microsoft Office Access Queries Reviewed by Shopping Sale on 09:21 Rating: 5

Revoking Privileges from Users (REVOKE)

Shopping Sale 13:11
Revoking Privileges from Users (REVOKE) The REVOKE statement is used to take away privileges that were granted with the GRANT statement. ...Read More
Revoking Privileges from Users (REVOKE) Revoking Privileges from Users (REVOKE) Reviewed by Shopping Sale on 13:11 Rating: 5
Granting Privileges to Other Users (GRANT) Granting Privileges to Other Users (GRANT) Reviewed by Shopping Sale on 13:08 Rating: 5

Discretionary Access Control

Shopping Sale 13:06
Discretionary Access Control In Section 2.4 we stated that a DBMS should provide a mechanism to ensure that only authorized users can acc...Read More
Discretionary Access Control Discretionary Access Control Reviewed by Shopping Sale on 13:06 Rating: 5
Immediate and Deferred Integrity Constraints Immediate and Deferred Integrity Constraints Reviewed by Shopping Sale on 13:04 Rating: 5


Shopping Sale 13:03
Transactions The ISO standard defines a transaction model based on two SQL statements: COMMIT and ROLLBACK. Most, but not all, commercial...Read More
Transactions Transactions Reviewed by Shopping Sale on 13:03 Rating: 5

View Materialization

Shopping Sale 13:02
In Section 6.4.3 we discussed one approach to handling queries based on a view, where the query is modified into a query on the underlying...Read More
View Materialization View Materialization Reviewed by Shopping Sale on 13:02 Rating: 5

Disadvantages of Views

Muneeb Masood 12:58
Disadvantages Although views provide many significant benefits, there are also some disadvantages with SQL views. Update restriction In...Read More
Disadvantages of Views Disadvantages of Views Reviewed by Muneeb Masood on 12:58 Rating: 5

Advantages of Views

Muneeb Masood 12:57
Advantages In the case of a DBMS running on a standalone PC, views are usually a convenience, defined to simplify database requests. Howe...Read More
Advantages of Views Advantages of Views Reviewed by Muneeb Masood on 12:57 Rating: 5


Muneeb Masood 12:55
WITH CHECK OPTION Rows exist in a view because they satisfy the WHERE condition of the defining query. If a row is altered such that it n...Read More
WITH CHECK OPTION WITH CHECK OPTION Reviewed by Muneeb Masood on 12:55 Rating: 5
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