Relational Keys
As stated above, there are no duplicate tuples within a relation. Therefore, we need to be
able to identify one or more attributes (called relational keys) that uniquely identifies each
tuple in a relation. In this section, we explain the terminology used for relational keys.
Superkey An attribute, or set of attributes, that uniquely identifies a tuple within a
A superkey uniquely identifies each tuple within a relation. However, a superkey may
contain additional attributes that are not necessary for unique identification, and we are
interested in identifying superkeys that contain only the minimum number of attributes
necessary for unique identification.
Candidate A superkey such that no proper subset is a superkey within the
key relation.
A candidate key, K, for a relation R has two properties:
n uniqueness – in each tuple of R, the values of K uniquely identify that tuple;
n irreducibility – no proper subset of K has the uniqueness property.
There may be several candidate keys for a relation. When a key consists of more than one
attribute, we call it a composite key. Consider the Branch relation shown in Figure 3.1.
Given a value of city, we can determine several branch offices (for example, London has
two branch offices). This attribute cannot be a candidate key. On the other hand, since
DreamHome allocates each branch office a unique branch number, then given a branch
number value, branchNo, we can determine at most one tuple, so that branchNo is a candidate
key. Similarly, postcode is also a candidate key for this relation.
Now consider a relation Viewing, which contains information relating to properties
viewed by clients. The relation comprises a client number (clientNo), a property number
(propertyNo), a date of viewing (viewDate) and, optionally, a comment (comment). Given
a client number, clientNo, there may be several corresponding viewings for different properties.
Similarly, given a property number, propertyNo, there may be several clients who
viewed this property. Therefore, clientNo by itself or propertyNo by itself cannot be selected
as a candidate key. However, the combination of clientNo and propertyNo identifies at most
one tuple, so, for the Viewing relation, clientNo and propertyNo together form the (composite)
candidate key. If we need to cater for the possibility that a client may view a property more
than once, then we could add viewDate to the composite key. However, we assume that this
is not necessary.
Note that an instance of a relation cannot be used to prove that an attribute or combination
of attributes is a candidate key. The fact that there are no duplicates for the values that
appear at a particular moment in time does not guarantee that duplicates are not possible.
However, the presence of duplicates in an instance can be used to show that some attribute
combination is not a candidate key. Identifying a candidate key requires that we know the
‘real world’ meaning of the attribute(s) involved so that we can decide whether duplicates
are possible. Only by using this semantic information can we be certain that an attribute
combination is a candidate key. For example, from the data presented in Figure 3.1, we may
think that a suitable candidate key for the Staff relation would be lName, the employee’s
surname. However, although there is only a single value of ‘White’ in this instance of
the Staff relation, a new member of staff with the surname ‘White’ may join the company,
invalidating the choice of lName as a candidate key.
Primary The candidate key that is selected to identify tuples uniquely within the
key relation.
Since a relation has no duplicate tuples, it is always possible to identify each row
uniquely. This means that a relation always has a primary key. In the worst case, the entire
set of attributes could serve as the primary key, but usually some smaller subset is sufficient
to distinguish the tuples. The candidate keys that are not selected to be the primary
key are called alternate keys. For the Branch relation, if we choose branchNo as the primary
key, postcode would then be an alternate key. For the Viewing relation, there is only one
candidate key, comprising clientNo and propertyNo, so these attributes would automatically
form the primary key.
Foreign An attribute, or set of attributes, within one relation that matches the
key candidate key of some (possibly the same) relation.
When an attribute appears in more than one relation, its appearance usually represents
a relationship between tuples of the two relations. For example, the inclusion of branchNo
in both the Branch and Staff relations is quite deliberate and links each branch to the details
of staff working at that branch. In the Branch relation, branchNo is the primary key.
However, in the Staff relation the branchNo attribute exists to match staff to the branch
office they work in. In the Staff relation, branchNo is a foreign key. We say that the attribute
branchNo in the Staff relation targets the primary key attribute branchNo in the home
relation, Branch. These common attributes play an important role in performing data
manipulation, as we see in the next chapter.
As stated above, there are no duplicate tuples within a relation. Therefore, we need to be
able to identify one or more attributes (called relational keys) that uniquely identifies each
tuple in a relation. In this section, we explain the terminology used for relational keys.
Superkey An attribute, or set of attributes, that uniquely identifies a tuple within a
A superkey uniquely identifies each tuple within a relation. However, a superkey may
contain additional attributes that are not necessary for unique identification, and we are
interested in identifying superkeys that contain only the minimum number of attributes
necessary for unique identification.
Candidate A superkey such that no proper subset is a superkey within the
key relation.
A candidate key, K, for a relation R has two properties:
n uniqueness – in each tuple of R, the values of K uniquely identify that tuple;
n irreducibility – no proper subset of K has the uniqueness property.
There may be several candidate keys for a relation. When a key consists of more than one
attribute, we call it a composite key. Consider the Branch relation shown in Figure 3.1.
Given a value of city, we can determine several branch offices (for example, London has
two branch offices). This attribute cannot be a candidate key. On the other hand, since
DreamHome allocates each branch office a unique branch number, then given a branch
number value, branchNo, we can determine at most one tuple, so that branchNo is a candidate
key. Similarly, postcode is also a candidate key for this relation.
Now consider a relation Viewing, which contains information relating to properties
viewed by clients. The relation comprises a client number (clientNo), a property number
(propertyNo), a date of viewing (viewDate) and, optionally, a comment (comment). Given
a client number, clientNo, there may be several corresponding viewings for different properties.
Similarly, given a property number, propertyNo, there may be several clients who
viewed this property. Therefore, clientNo by itself or propertyNo by itself cannot be selected
as a candidate key. However, the combination of clientNo and propertyNo identifies at most
one tuple, so, for the Viewing relation, clientNo and propertyNo together form the (composite)
candidate key. If we need to cater for the possibility that a client may view a property more
than once, then we could add viewDate to the composite key. However, we assume that this
is not necessary.
Note that an instance of a relation cannot be used to prove that an attribute or combination
of attributes is a candidate key. The fact that there are no duplicates for the values that
appear at a particular moment in time does not guarantee that duplicates are not possible.
However, the presence of duplicates in an instance can be used to show that some attribute
combination is not a candidate key. Identifying a candidate key requires that we know the
‘real world’ meaning of the attribute(s) involved so that we can decide whether duplicates
are possible. Only by using this semantic information can we be certain that an attribute
combination is a candidate key. For example, from the data presented in Figure 3.1, we may
think that a suitable candidate key for the Staff relation would be lName, the employee’s
surname. However, although there is only a single value of ‘White’ in this instance of
the Staff relation, a new member of staff with the surname ‘White’ may join the company,
invalidating the choice of lName as a candidate key.
Primary The candidate key that is selected to identify tuples uniquely within the
key relation.
Since a relation has no duplicate tuples, it is always possible to identify each row
uniquely. This means that a relation always has a primary key. In the worst case, the entire
set of attributes could serve as the primary key, but usually some smaller subset is sufficient
to distinguish the tuples. The candidate keys that are not selected to be the primary
key are called alternate keys. For the Branch relation, if we choose branchNo as the primary
key, postcode would then be an alternate key. For the Viewing relation, there is only one
candidate key, comprising clientNo and propertyNo, so these attributes would automatically
form the primary key.
Foreign An attribute, or set of attributes, within one relation that matches the
key candidate key of some (possibly the same) relation.
When an attribute appears in more than one relation, its appearance usually represents
a relationship between tuples of the two relations. For example, the inclusion of branchNo
in both the Branch and Staff relations is quite deliberate and links each branch to the details
of staff working at that branch. In the Branch relation, branchNo is the primary key.
However, in the Staff relation the branchNo attribute exists to match staff to the branch
office they work in. In the Staff relation, branchNo is a foreign key. We say that the attribute
branchNo in the Staff relation targets the primary key attribute branchNo in the home
relation, Branch. These common attributes play an important role in performing data
manipulation, as we see in the next chapter.
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